Christmas Main Courses | Langoustines cooked in burning salt

The prince of the sea, one of the most popular shellfish during the holidays, is the star of Longino & Cardenal's Christmas lunch seafood menu. This is how chef Giorgio Guglielmetti cooks the langoustines: cooked on the back on a bed of burning salt. A very simple dish to prepare, but with an intense and deep flavor that will win over even the most demanding palates. Salt cooked langoustines are a preparation that brings out the full flavor of the crustacean, preserving all its properties and characteristics. In this guide you will find all the steps to quickly and easily cook Salt cooked langoustines, so you can enjoy them on any special occasion, such as Christmas lunch with the family.

Level: Easy

Time: 20 minutes

Serves: 4 people


Ingredients for 4 people

  • Langoustines 12
  • Coarse Salt 2 kg
  • Artichokes 4
  • Salt
  • EVO Oil
  • Black Pepper


  • Open the langoustines
  • Wash them of impurities
  • Place them on the burning salt on the carapace side and cook for about 15 minutes
  • Clean the artichokes and cut them finely
  • Season them with oil, salt and pepper
  • Plate
December 15, 2020