
Bottarga has always been a popular ingredient for its enveloping taste and amazing production. Trikalinos offers a very special mullet roe with a complex and fresh bouquet of citrus and honey and a silky and velvety texture. This roe is unique because of its artisanal production and especially because of its natural preservation in beeswax.

Bottarga, a true delicacy from the sea

If you're a foodie or have an interest in Mediterranean cuisine, you've probably come across the term "bottarga" or "grey mullet roes." This is a delicacy made from the roe of grey mullet fish that has been salted, cured, and dried. It is popular in Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Greece, and Tunisia, but it's now making its way to menus across the world.

In ancient Rome, bottarga was known as "ovum piscis" and was considered a luxury food item. It was often consumed at banquets and feasts, and was highly prized for its rich, savory flavor. Similarly, in ancient Greece, bottarga was a popular food item and was often used as a seasoning or garnish.

Throughout history, bottarga has been enjoyed by sailors and fishermen, who would often preserve the roe of fish in salt in order to have a source of protein while at sea. This practice continued well into the modern era, with sailors on long trips often relying on preserved bottarga for sustenance.

Today, bottarga remains a beloved delicacy throughout the Mediterranean region and beyond. It is enjoyed in a variety of ways, from simply slicing it thinly and serving it with bread and olive oil, to using it as a seasoning in more complex dishes. Its rich history and enduring popularity are a testament to the enduring appeal of this delicious and nutritious food item.

What is Bottarga?

Mullet bottarga is a type of cured fish roe that is often referred to as the "Mediterranean caviar." It is made from the roe of grey mullet fish that is cured in sea salt and then air-dried. The result is a hard, dense block of roe that has a distinct aroma and flavor.

This delicacy can be found in two forms: whole and grated. The whole bottarga is typically sliced thinly and served as an appetizer or a topping for pasta dishes. The grated one is often used as a seasoning in dishes such as salads, seafood, and pasta.

How is Bottarga Made?

The process of making roe bottarga is quite simple but requires patience and attention to detail. The roe of the grey mullet fish is extracted and then cleaned of any impurities. It is then covered in sea salt and left to cure for several days.

Once the roe has cured, it is rinsed and then air-dried for several weeks. During this time, the roe hardens and takes on a deep orange color. The bottarga is then ready to be sliced and served or grated for use as a seasoning.

Trikalinos bottarga di muggine is made using the traditional method of curing and air-drying the roe of grey mullet fish, resulting in a product that is both delicious and nutritious. What sets Trikalinos' bottarga apart is the way it is packaged. Unlike other typologies, Trikalinos' bottarga is coated in beeswax, which acts as a natural preservative and helps to protect the product from light and air. The beeswax also gives the bottarga a beautiful, glossy finish that makes it a stunning addition to any dish.

How to use grey muller roe in cooking

Bottarga is not only delicious but also packed with nutritional benefits. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy addition to any diet.

This delicious ingredient has a unique and complex flavor profile that is hard to describe. It is salty, briny, and slightly fishy but with a delicate sweetness that balances out the flavors. It pairs well with a variety of foods, from fresh salads to creamy pasta dishes.

To enjoy Trikalinos' bottarga, simply slice it thinly and serve it with some bread, olive oil, and lemon. Alternatively, grate it over pasta dishes or salads to add a delicious burst of flavor. Regardless of how you choose to enjoy it, Trikalinos' bottarga is sure to impress even the most discerning of palates.