Vegetable Peppers Sheets
The incredible innovation in reshaping traditional vegetables such as spinach, peppers and carrots by repurposing them in thin, colorful and flavorful sheets has made Senén a guru of Iberian gastronomy. A perfect ally to be used in multiple recipes, where the only limit is set by the chef's imagination!
Chef's Advice
- Sushi Cut the sheets in half crosswise and place the shiny side upward. The sheet will moisten on contact with the rice. Wet the end of the sheet to glue and close the roll.
- Vegetable Pasta Spray water on the surface of the sheet so that it becomes sticky and wait a few moments before separating. Glue two foils together on the shiny side to get a thicker thickness. Cut the joined sheets to give them the shape of the desired vegetable pasta (spaghetti, noodles, lasagna, etc.) IMPORTANT: Do not bake.
- Stuffed Pasta Spray water on the surface of the sheet so that it becomes sticky and wait a few before separating. Stuffings with little moisture are advised. The heat and moisture of the sauces used will ensure the desired texture. IMPORTANT: Do not bake.
- Frying Place the sheet into the fryer at 170°C for 5- 10 seconds, dry quickly with paper towels, shape into the desired shape immediately afterwards and wait for it to cool.
- Oven Spray oil on the sheet and place it in the oven 105-150°C for 5-10 seconds, shape the sheet just out of the oven into the desired shape and wait for it to cool.
Vitoria SPAIN
Bell Pepper Sheets
10 pieces
The Company
La Cocina de Senén, a Basque company where the study and application of new culinary concepts have led to the creation of dehydrated vegetable foils, a 100% natural, tasty and healthy product that started as the main ingredient for the elaboration of an innovative Mediterranean sushi and then extended to a multitude of crispy snacks and different pasta recipes. These are all creations born in the Sagartoki restaurant that have collected the most prestigious gastronomic awards, such as the "Egg Pintxos," elected best tapas in Spain for two consecutive years.
Ingredienti: patate, peperoni (7%), paprica, sale, pectina amidata, fecola di patate e glicerina
Modalità di conservazione: conservare le lamine nella confezione ZIP sigillata, in un luogo fresco e asciutto
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 802,85 kJ/ 192,07 kcal, grassi 0,15g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 0g, carboidrati 44,64g, di cui zuccheri 1,48g, proteine 1,52g, sale 0,5g.
Nome e ragione sociale: Taller de pichos y tapas s.l.u. alberca vjeja 2, 01001 vitoria Spagna
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