Spicy Gorgonzola Extra PDO
Gorgonzola is Guffanti's trademark; it was from here that the family's entrepreneurial adventure began. This Sweet Gorgonzola is a soft, creamy cheese. This Spicy Gorgonzola has a firmer texture and is much more pungent on the palate than the mild version, plus it ages at least 90 days.
How was Gorgonzola born?
Legend has it that gorgonzola was the result of a mistake: it would seem that a cheesemaker in love on his way to visit his beloved forgot a curd in the boiler overnight. The next morning the cheesemaker mixed the "forgotten" curd with the morning's processing, and thus a great classic of Italian gastronomic tradition was born: the wheels thus obtained, since the dough of the night before, which was more acidic, did not mix perfectly with the morning's dough, turned out to be full of folds and crevices, which during aging favored the development of molds inside the cheese.
Spicy Gorgonzola
500 g
When great-grandfather Luigi Guffanti began aging Gorgonzola in 1876, his genius intuition was the purchase of an abandoned silver mine in Valganna, in the province of Varese. Five generations have passed, the attention to the artisanal quality of the cheese product and the passion for careful ripening continue to characterize the Guffanti-Fiori family, consolidated to this day as one of the best ripeners in the world.
Ingredienti: LATTE, caglio, fermento lattico Penicillum, sale
Origine del latte: Italia
Conservare a: +4 - +6°C
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g: energia 1435 kJ/346 kcal, grassi 29,2 g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 20,24 g, carboidrati 0,4 g, di cui zuccheri 0,07 g, proteine 20,04 g, sale 2,42 g
Luigi Guffanti s.r.l. Via Milano 140 28041 Arona (NO) Italia
CE 01 351 IT
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