Smoked Eel Fillets

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Size 500 gr
AED 280.00
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These smoked eel fillets are completely clean and bones-free, an exclusively handmade product. The eel is smoked with selected woods. Once smoked, it is filleted and the best fillets are selected.

Chef's Advice

A great way to enjoy eel is to make a first course with Asian flavors, noodles with crispy vegetables and smoked eel.

What makes Roset eels special?

The fishing method is completely artisanal and the entire supply chain takes place within the same company facilities in full traceability and sustainability of raw materials. Today, after three generations, Angulas Roset is a company recognized at the European level that has established itself in the distribution of eels in various formats and different processes: natural, smoked, precooked.


Tarragona SPAIN


Smoked eel


500 gr

The Company

Since 1955, Angulas Roset has been marketing eels that have inspired top Spanish and international chefs. Located in the heart of the Ebro River delta, the company is recognized throughout Europe as a specialist in the transportation, processing and marketing of eels and the delicious elvers, the eel fry.

Nome prodotto: filetti di anguilla affumicata

Specie scientifica: Anguilla anguilla

Metodo di produzione*: allevato in Danimarca/Paesi Bassi/Spagna

Ingredienti: ANGUILLA, sale. Affumicatura naturale con legno di ulivo.

Peso netto: 500g

Modalità di conservazione: conservare tra 0° e 5°C

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 306 kcal, grassi 18,5g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 5,8g, carboidrati 2,39g, di cui zuccheri 0,59g, proteine 19,49g, sale 1,59g

Indirizzo e ragione sociale: Roset Successors s.l., avda del canal s/n 43580 Deltebre Spagna

Bollo CE: ES 12.023192/T CE


*l’origine del prodotto può variare a seconda della disponibilità: verificare questa informazione in etichetta


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