Rubia Gallega Rib Steak
The Gallega Vacum Rubia rib steak, in Spanish Chuleta de Rubia, is undoubtedly one of the best ribs in the world. The meat is internally marbled and externally wrapped in the magnificent yellow fat that distinguishes the Galician Blonde from other breeds: spicy notes are perceived and it has an exceptional persistence in the mouth.
Chef's Advice
Open the vacuum-packed product 1 to 2 hours in advance to oxygenate the meat, restore its original color and bring it to room temperature, which is optimal for cooking. Ideal for barbecuing or grilling.
Once cooked, separate the fat from the meat, sear it again on the grill until it reaches a crispy texture and at this point cut it into brunoise (diced) and then serve it on top of the steak with the addition of Salt. Allow it to rest on a grill for a few minutes before serving. Hot plates are recommended.
What kind of meat is Rubia Gallega?
Rubia Gallega is one of the finest meats in the world.The cattle are between 7 and 20 years old and are raised in the wild, feeding on fresh grass supplemented with dry grass during periods of shortage.
The name Rubia Gallega comes from the coloring of the cows and their origin, namely blond and Galician cows.
Leon/Valencia SPAIN
Rubia Gallega
1 kg approx.
José Rosell, founder and owner of "Vacum Luxury Meats," specializes in selecting the best Iberian cattle by feed, grazing area and fat infiltration.
The Casina (Old Cow), unlike the Rubia Gallega (native to Galicia), grazes freely in northern Spain feeding on grass in mild seasons and cereals and hay during winter.
It is the maturation that makes the difference: cell ventilation management, knowledge of hygrometry and temperature correction are the added value of "Vacum Luxury Meats," thanks to the use of noble molds that develop unique flavors.
Ingredienti: carne di bovino adulto
Nato: Spagna
Allevato: Spagna
Macellato: Spagna ES 10.03528/C CE o ES 10.00563/PO
Sezionato: Spagna ES 10.22143/V o ES 10.02541/M
Peso netto: 1 kg ca.
Modalità di conservazione: conservare a 0 – 7°C
Ragione sociale e indirizzo: Vacum Carnes de lujo s.l., Pol. Ind. Masia del Conde, Calle 6 s/n, 46393 Loriguilla Spagna
Bollo CE: ES 10.22143/V CE
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