3-Milk Robiola Di Langa (Piedmont)

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Size 300 g
AED 59.00
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This 3-milk Robiola (cow’s, sheep’s and goat’s milk) is produced in the higher Langhe area and is aged for at least 20 days. It is characterized by a wrinkled and velvety rind (usually referred to as “flowery”) which provides a strong contrast with the soft and creamy interior with an intense taste, rich in milk.

The tradition of mixing the milk of the three animals (cow, sheep and goat) is widespread in the Piedmont region, making it possible to obtain Robiola cheeses with a more delicate flavor than those made from pure goat's milk.

Robiola finds its origins in the Langhe, and the name Robiola has two different etymologies: some attribute it to the municipality of Robbio Lomellina and the cheese that was produced in those areas; while others claim that the current name derives from the Latin word "Rubeola," which stands for the characteristic reddish color of the rind that the cheese acquires when it is more mature.

  • Milk: mixed - cow, sheep, goat
  • Type: Soft, spreadable
  • Texture: Creamy
  • Rind: Light grey
  • Color: White
  • Flavor: Natural, rich
  • Aroma: Slightly acidic




Robiola Cheese


300 g

When great-grandfather Luigi Guffanti began aging Gorgonzola in 1876, his genius intuition was the purchase of an abandoned silver mine in Valganna, in the province of Varese. Five generations have passed, the attention to the artisanal quality of the cheese product and the passion for careful ripening continue to characterize the Guffanti-Fiori family, consolidated to this day as one of the best ripeners in the world.

Ingredienti: LATTE vaccino, LATTE di pecora, LATTE di capra, caglio e sale
Origine del latte: Italia
Conservare a: +2 - +6°C
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g: energia 1277 kJ/306 kcal, grassi 25,4 g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 21,4 g, carboidrati 1,4 g, di cui zuccheri 1 g, proteine 18 g, sale 0,6 g
Luigi Guffanti 1876 s.r.l. via Milano 140 28041 Arona (NO)
IT 01256 CE
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