Organic Pitted Olives
Taggiasca Olives are bright, soft and crisp, with a distinctive sweet and lovable flavor. The perfect ingredient for every Italian aperitivo, because Italians love olives so much that they could put them even in cocktails such as for the famous Martini.
Pitted olives are very easy to use: they can be added to the classic tomato salad, used to flavor meat sauces and roasts, added as a decoration or to add flavor to omelettes and they are the perfect finishing touch for all types of bruschettas.
What makes Terre Taggiasche olives special?
Taggiasca olives are full of flavor, soft but crunchy, with a distinctive mildly bitter taste. After being harvested and carefully selected, the olives are washed, de-stemmed and calibrated, and then added to the brine consisting only of water and salt. When they are ready, they are pitted and covered with extra virgin olive oil.
Pitted Olives
8.11 oz
The company is dedicated to the cultivation of the Taggiasca olive variety in the territory of Gazzelli, Imperia, in Italy’s Liguria region. The area has a long tradition in the production of Taggiasca olives, variety known all over the world for its characteristics and for its exceptional versatility in the kitchen. The production cycle is carried out entirely on the farm, from cultivation to processing. In fact, the company boasts its own oil mill, among the most modern in Liguria. Terre Taggiasche is very attentive to environmental aspects, with renewable energy sources and production systems that help bring the environmental impact to zero.
Ingredienti: oliva taggiasca biologica snocciolata, olio extravergine di oliva biologico.
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 54 kcal, grassi 8g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 2g, carboidrati 0,9g, di cui zuccheri 0g, proteine 0,2g, sale 0,5g
Peso netto: 230 g
Condizioni di conservazione: tenere lontano da fonti di luce e di calore. Dopo l’apertura tenere il prodotto in frigorifero a +4°C e consumare entro alcuni giorni.
Prodotte con processo di denocciolatura automatico, possono rimanere frammenti di nocciolo
Indirizzo e ragione sociale: Azienda Agricola Terre Taggiasche via Dante 5 18027 Chiusanico (IM)
Certificazione biologica: IT BIO 007 Agricoltura Italia
Gli ingredienti che contengono allergeni sono evidenziati in GRASSETTO.
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