Smoked Hard Ricotta (Friuli)

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Size 700 g
AED 99.00
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Ricotta Carnica is a hard ricotta, which is also smoked. Typical of the Friuli region, it is made from the whey left over from processing Malga cheese, brought almost to boiling point in the copper cauldron and mixed with a small amount of whey, mixed with aromatic wild herbs (this mixture is called "sitz"). After being drained and salted, the ricotta is smoked over beech embers in a special room.

Ricotta is not really a cheese and is made from the leftover whey from the curd, which is reconstituted to bind the milk proteins. So ricotta is more correct to consider it a dairy product and not a cheese, since cheese is, simply put, coagulated milk.

  • Type: Ricotta
  • Texture: Grainy
  • Rind: Brown
  • Color: Intense straw yellow
  • Flavor: Delicate
  • Aroma: Woody




Smoked Hard Ricotta


700 g

When great-grandfather Luigi Guffanti began aging Gorgonzola in 1876, his genius intuition was the purchase of an abandoned silver mine in Valganna, in the province of Varese. Five generations have passed, the attention to the artisanal quality of the cheese product and the passion for careful ripening continue to characterize the Guffanti-Fiori family, consolidated to this day as one of the best ripeners in the world.

Ingredienti: siero di LATTE, Sali clorurati di sodio magnesio e calcio, acidificante (acido lattico)
Origine del latte: Italia
Conservare a: +2 - +6°C
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g: energia 1583 kJ/383 kcal, grassi 35 g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 24,17 g, carboidrati 1,86 g, di cui zuccheri 1,72 g, proteine 15,1 g, sale 0,62 g.
Luigi Guffanti 1876 s.r.l. via Milano 140 28041 Arona (NO)
CE 01 351 IT
Gli ingredienti che contengono allergeni sono evidenziati in GRASSETTO

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