Fiocco di Prosciutto, or Fiocchetto, is made from the muscular part of the pig's hind limbs.
It is a distinctly lean cured meat with little fat. Only the long curing process makes possible the intense aroma that comes with slicing it.
What makes Fiocchetto special?
Careful salting and long natural aging in the cellar give Fiocco di Prosciutto a sweet and delicate taste. The tightly and expertly woven binding is traditionally done by hand, and creates the characteristic eight wedges.
Approx. 1,5 kg vacuum-packed, 10-month maturation
The Company
A small workshop in Diolo di Soragna where everything the pig has to offer is produced. The artisanal production process strictly follows the Consortium's specifications and the aging process takes place in humid and ventilated cellars, typical of the Parma lowlands, where it develops unmistakable flavors and aromas.
Ingredienti: carne di maiale (origine Italia), sale, pepe
Peso netto e 1,8kg
Modalità di conservazione: conservare a 4°C
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 1515kJ/ 361 kcal, grassi 31,7g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 12,7g, carboidrati 0,1g, di cui zuccheri 0g, proteine 18,8g, sale 6g.
Ragione sociale e indirizzo: Salumificio Squisito s.r.l. via Azzali 67 Diolo di Soragna (Parma)
Bollo ce: IT G5E4M CE
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