Bonini Vivace Condiment
Bonini Vivace condiment matures in barrels at least 3 years old.
Only grape must, cooked in open vats, slowly acetifies in naturally drained barrels. Aging thus gives the product a bright dark color, a unique fruity and soft aroma and a fresh flavor.
It is the first approach: perfect on salads, or for experimenting!
Bonini Vivace seasoning is certified Kosher for Passover.
The Bonini company, from its headquarters in Cesario sul Panaro in Emilia-Romagna, produces condiments according to a single, grand vision that involves the use of a single ingredient: Trebbiano grape must cooked in open vats. The slow acetification of the must results in a product of extreme quality that, over the years, has conquered some of the most coveted tables around the world. The aging of the condiment gives the product a bright dark color, a unique fruity and soft aroma and a fresh flavor.
Ingredienti: Mosto di uve Trebbiano, senza addizione di altre sostanze.
Modalità di conservazione: Conservare a temperatura > 2° C e lontano da fonti di calore e al riparo dalla luce diretta del sole.
Certificazione Kosher Passover
Ragione sociale e indirizzo: Bonini srl – Via Olmo 29 – 41018 San Cesario sul Panaro (MO)
Energia per 100g: 187Kcal/795KJ, totale grassi 0g, carboidrati 47g di cui zuccheri 41g, proteine 0g.
Gli allergeni presenti tra gli ingredienti del prodotto sono evidenziati in grassetto